Straps CINELLI Kinks Mike Giant



The same successful straps, available with Mike Giant’s tattoo graphics!

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189,00 zł

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The Cinelli straps with Mike Giant's design.
The evolution of the traditional toe clips for a comfortable and safe ride. These new straps are suitable for all types of riders.

Made with hi-tech durable materials and  Aluminum buckles with a special angle which allows the strap to keep an angolation which facilitates foot entry. Wide adjustment possibilities in two color versions: eco leather with reflective inserts / black and fully reflective.

Mike Giant - a master of the black and white style and a leading representative of the underground movement in San Francisco in the mid-1990s. Giant is internationally known for his graffiti, skateboarding, tattoos and extreme precision that is visible in his graphics. Over the past two years he has collaborated with Cinelli to design catalog covers, posters, grips, bar tapes and the Cinelli RAM Mike Giant Edition handlebar collection.
